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Solar Observations: January 2020

Monty Leventhal OAM

Sunspot activity for the month of January remained extremely low however, on the 3rd January a single Axx spot was observed of the new solar cycle 25 in Active Region 12755.

Due to very consistent smoke haze from bush fires and cloud cover no observations were made until the 12th when a very faint Prominence was seen on the NW limb reaching a height of about 37,000km.

From the 13th to the 24th the sola disc was clear of all Sunspot and the only significant column type Prominence was seen on the 21st reaching an approximate height of 74,000km.

On the 25th January a new Dsi group or spots were seen in AR12757. This was the old cycle 24 spot No observation was made on the 26th due to cloud cover and by the 27th the group had reduced in size to a single Hsx spot. It remained on the solar disc until the 31st and at that time was reduced again in size to a single Axx spot

For the month of January a total of only 12 observations were made with the remaining 19 days either cloud covered, or smoke haze..

The total average classification value was 5 and the relevant total Sunspot number was 6.

Monty Leventhal OAM.

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